August has been a pretty laid back month for us, for the most part. The weather was lovely (not as hot as July) and we had some really nice times.
One fun thing we did was go blueberry picking with Grandma and Grandpa. The pickings were rather poor, it being near the end of the season, but I did get a good enough amount to freeze for snacking and smoothies. No blueberry jam or pies this year, though.
And after picking, Grandpa took us out for lunch and then for a romp at the lovely park at the Leamington marina.
I did buy a bucket of cherries at the grocery store and made jam, so my shelf of jam jars is looking respectable again. Too bad I didn't have the time or energy to give pickles a try this year. Next year, maybe.
I sighed every time I looked at the two tiny green tomatoes that will apparently be the sum total of our tomato harvest this year. (The other plant, although it is quite large, has zero tomatoes.) Then, a few days ago, one of my children broke off the upper tomato. (And then Owen exclaimed, "Now we won't be able to make spaghetti sauce!") So now, our 2011 tomato harvest = 1 very small, very green tomato. *sigh*
I picked the single zucchini that we got from the garden, and made a big chocolate zucchini cake--which I neglected to cook all the way through (oh well).
We planted sunflower seeds this year--and we got only one flower. It was tiny, to say the least. Yes, it was a dwarf variety, but the seed packet said the plants would reach 20 inches tall, and our plant couldn't be more than 6 inches. Not very impressive.
The garden wasn't all bad though. I've gotten a nice harvest of calendula for my healing salve--it's impressive how long the plants seem to be flowering!--and the pole beans we're growing against the fence are producing lots of tasty beans.
I actually have a surplus of calendula now, and I wish I could bring them into the house as cut flowers--but the stems seem to be covered with aphids as well as various other tiny bugs. I wonder if this is a common thing with this plant? I thought plants in the marigold family were supposed to repel bugs!
But enough about the garden. The past few weeks, I spent a lot of time smiling at the sight of my youngest, who has discovered how to bounce in her jolly jumper...
And bounce, and bounce, and bounce...
My parents gave us a highchair for her, and I can't believe how big she looks, sitting in it! So much for that newborn apparently lasts only about 5 minutes.
Well, that's about all that we've been up to. Nothing really much, which is just fine for this sleep deprived mommy.
Please dear readers of mine, tell me what you did on your summer vacations!
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