This winter that is not continues. It rained cats and dogs all night last night - and I live in Canada! Amy is sick with the flu (again!) and was up fussing. Maybe the sound of the storm bothered her, too. I hardly got any sleep. This morning it was still dark, rainy and incredibly dreary.
I naturally slept in too late and was behind schedule. I somewhat grumpily rushed through breakfast and had just enough time to get a quick shower before we started our homeschool lessons (I try to start at the same time each morning). But just I was sprinting for the shower, hoping that this was not going to be One of Those mornings, Jasper tugged on my sleeve and showed me a book he had picked out: The Tale of Samuel Whiskers, by Beatrix Potter. "Can you please read this book to me, Mom?" he asked politely with a smile. My heart flooded with warmth and happiness. How could I refuse? Sometimes it's better to forget about the schedule.
As he often does, this little guy reminded me to slow down and enjoy the moment, and not be so serious! He listened intently to the whole story - he has an amazing attention span for a 3 year old. It's a funny story. After it was done I carried on the rest of the day's activities with a different attitude. And you know what? I notice that when I make an effort to slow down more, and concentrate on each task before me, instead of trying to do many things at once, I actually get more done.
The rain continued all day. The common behind our house is entirely flooded. Really not a good day to play outside. The children weren't quite as chipper as usual, being cooped up inside. So I decided that after lunch, it was necessary to make chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles. That makes sense, right?
I had a helper in the kitchen, as usual...
I am happy to say these cupcakes (topped with ganache rather than icing) were ridiculously good. Maybe some time I'll share the recipe!
There was still a few meltdowns and tense moments today, and naps were taken...but all in all I think this day was much better than it could have been. :)
Beatrix Potter always makes everything better...but I bet the chocholate cupcakes didn't hurt either! :)
Posted by: Heather | January 17, 2012 at 03:48 PM
Well I'm hearing you on the dreary aspect of this winter. Being down the London, we are experiencing the same thing. It's all I can do to stay awake to do. My spirit needs some serious sun and some serious snow...that DOESN'T melt. :)
Those cupcakes look great. Glad they helped save the day. :) ~Debbie
ps - We love Beatrix Potter too; have her whole collection of works. My 5 1/2 year old LOVES her.
Posted by: Debbie | January 17, 2012 at 04:04 PM
I love Beatrix potter...she is one of my favourite children's authors. Yay for reading and baking on rainy days {{hugs}}
Posted by: Julia | January 17, 2012 at 04:39 PM
There is no kind of rotten day that chocolate cupcakes and Beatrix Potter can't fix! I can't believe it's rainy down there...we've had our laneway plowed FOUR times this month, and five snow days in Dec./Jan.!
Posted by: Stephanie K. | January 17, 2012 at 09:07 PM
Oh, I love how your day was redeemed and turned out well! I'll have to look for that Potter title at our library. The cupcakes look wonderful.
Our days are seeming to be long as well, the rain does seem endless and is so dreary. Thankfully, Bob came home from work with an enormous cardboard box yesterday. The adventures we are having in that thing... ~lisa
Posted by: lisa | January 17, 2012 at 09:18 PM
Sounds like you had the perfect day. And today you hopefully are all out skating on the ice that has now formed in that common area.
Posted by: Marlyn | January 18, 2012 at 08:18 AM
I like your style....chocolate cupcakes after lunch, tea and a good book !
Posted by: Carrie | January 18, 2012 at 10:09 PM